Bravo and thank you for giving hope for the present and in the future, that we will continue to ensure a nurturing habitat for us and plants and animals!

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Thank you for taking the time to give is feedback. It helps keep is energized, so to speak.

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Hi, The most recent issue of your newsletter was excellent. I had missed Dr. Emanuel's lecture and now have seen it. I am a resident of MA so can't vote in Camden, but I spend about a quarter of the year in Camden (all seasons). I have incrementally switched over our Camden residence to use more electricity. Is there a plan to promote more renewable source power in town (aggregated residential power, rooftop solar, public parking canopies, charging stations...)? In Harvard, MA, all our power comes from wind machines in Texas as my town aggregated our power years ago.

Examples of harbor resiliency are to:

-elevate the yacht club building to storm surge heights (funding sources?) or turn the land into an extension of the public landing (dinghy storage and day use parking for mooring holders).

-public funds / grants should upgrade steamboat landing so it survives the big storms without having to be repaired every year-- the docks in town must be robust and safe for pedestrians

-remove the Montgomery damn so the state can correctly assess the condition of the Rt 1 bridge

-what is the plan to "manage" salt and runoff water?

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Thank you, Bill for this thoughtful and inspiring comment. We’ll look into the Harvard example. We are putting together the information to help the town consider the purchase of the Sagamore Farm solar panels we are currently leasing. Our group is also hoping to organize a push for home-energy electrification for Camden residents, including specific financial incentives. Lots of work to do—and love have the energy and input from folks. Thanks for taking the time to write us.

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